TURF-N-SURF 2016 The Best Landcruiser Offroad Event in The World! Land Cruisers Unite!

Lexus LX450 at Turf-N-Surf 2016 Oceano Dunes OHV park
Whether you have a 40 series all the way up to a 200 series, it doesn’t matter… The place to be is PISMO!!! Of course we are referring to the Oceano Dunes OHV park just adjacent to the city of Pismo, the Park itself is closest to Grover Beach. If you want to know where the Mecca of Landcruising is, its here! Theres a reason why the Landcruiser is the pre-eminant vehicle deployed the world over, and if you want to know exactly why… come drive one on the dunes and you will get an immediate sense of the statement; ” If you want to go offroad, drive a 4×4- but if you want to come back home, drive a Landcruiser”.

Two Toyota Land Cruisers & A 2wd Pickup Deep in the Dunes
Don’t worry you don’t have to drive a super cruiser in order to enjoy the dunes- in fact you might fare just fine with a stock cruiser. Just make sure to air your tires down before heading in deep. Safety is always key, so if you can find a travel companion cruiser to caravan with it just makes good sense. Even better if one or both of you has a tow rope or winch just in case you get heavy on your right foot.

Beautiful Skies and Cruisers for Miles… who could ask for more???
2016 didn’t disappoint, with beautiful sunshine and low winds- Turf-N-Surf http://centralcoastlandcruisers.com/turf-n-surf/about/ this year was a winner. Be forewarned if you come always be prepared. After all we are on a beach in November, so bring both warm & cold weather clothing just in case. There’s something about the comradery that Land Cruiser owners exhibit. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you’re from, or how your vehicle is set up. If you’re in a Cruiser, You’re in.

The action starts at 3pm Saturday for the Land Cruiser Hill Climb and Jump at Turf-N-Surf
Activities always seem to entertain well, from the Friday night cookoff’s to the Saturday Morning group photo and Poker run you will be hard pressed to not have fun. If that isn’t hard core enough for you, 3pm brings the hill climb & jump. Ever wanted to launch a Land Cruiser? Maybe not, but even if that is too much for you yourself- there will be plenty of dare devils skying out their rigs to the delight of your video shooting excitement. Looking for something to post up on YouTube? Hillclimb & Jump is the time to do it!!!

Camp leader SETHZILLA! at Turf-N-Surf 2016 final Poker run checkpoint.
Saturday night rounds out with the Cruiser festival of lights where everybody dresses up their rigs with as much lights as they can find and parade up and down the beach. This is a kids favorite to watch! If the kids haven’t had enough yet, unleash them early Sunday morning at the main camp to help the other kids dig holes big enough to swallow a cruiser, because at 9am is the Kids Vs. Cruiser competition. In this battle of the fittest, the kids make an obstacle course in order to see if they can get a cruiser stuck. Kids choice on the competitor… so if you have a fit rig- prepare to get chosen, LOL. Rounding on Sunday is a split crowd, some stay to continue to cruise the dunes while the rest head out on a new adventure, the Trail Ride to Pozo Saloon.

Event Original Founder PismoJim’s FJ60 Toyota Land Cruiser at Turf-N-Surf 2016
If you have never been to a 150 year old Saloon still intact from the Old West… This is your chance! Beer served by the gallon? Yessir! Check it out here: http://www.pozosaloon.com. If you would like to partake in this wonderful scenic mountain trail ride, find yourself a group to include yourself into and head out. Most likely won’t be hard to find someone, in fact someone may ask you if you’re going first!
Overall, we had a great time . Both parents and kids were enthusiastic, and our conversation home was: “Why don’t they do this twice a year?”. Hope to see you at Turf-N-Surf next time!
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